Sunday, December 14, 2008


WOOOOHOOOOOO bak from australia!!!!!!!!!!!! U know something? australia is summer time but the weird thing is that its cold over there.......... freaky........ and theres rain.... usually during summer, plants will turn brown but somehow, they all remain green cause of the freaky weather..... i blame it on gobal warming.... anyway, i was at bondi (bon-die) beach like 2 days ago and it was like very sunny and EXTREMELY windy.... so u will get pelted by sand when the wind blows.... u might think it will be nice to gon into the warm water but u are sooooo wrong!!!!!!!!!!!! the water is fuc**** cold man... the water there is from the pacific ocean!!!!!! the waves are nice so u can body surf or surf but the water is damn cold man.. its like ice water!!!!!!!

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